I won’t engage with a piece of content that feels over produced. Not from my friends, a brand, or even from my own mum. It needs to feel relatable to me. And the best way to do that? Stitch together something that prompts that ‘aha’ moment and makes me think to myself ‘I know exactly what they mean’ or ‘YES! This has happened to me’.
Chocolate strawberries, Murder on the Dancefloor and “More passion, more energy” are all Instagram trends from the past 6 months. What they have in common stems deeper than just gaining social virality – they all embrace the element of rawness and link to an internet/cultural reference.
Striking the balance between content that tells your audience what you need them to know while keeping it native and authentic can be quite the battle. I often find myself saying “you either get it or you don’t” when it comes to producing engaging social first content.
The long and short of it is this …
Social first content is content which is inherently social and spreadable. It’s best experienced in a social context and it’s drawn from social inspiration.
So what’s the impact of all of this on engagement? And how can it be applied to a destination brand?